Various - The World Sings Goodnight Album herunterladen

Künstler: Various
Album: The World Sings Goodnight
Freigegeben: 22.04.1993
Genre: Children's, Folk, World, & Country
Format: MP3, FLAC
Größe der Datei: 123.9 mb
Qualität: 320kbps
1. Argentina
2. Nepal
3. Austria
4. U.S.A. (Southern Gospel)
5. Indonesia (Sumatra Batak)
6. France
7. Brazil
8. Sweden
9. Japan
10. Switzerland
11. Egypt
12. Russia
13. Ethiopia
14. U.S.A.
15. France
16. Indonesia (Sumatra-Medan)
17. U.S.A. (Cajun French)
18. Poland (Yiddish)
19. Bolivia
20. U.S.A. (Ogalla Sioux Indian)
21. Romania (Bali)
22. Canada
23. China (Taiwan)
24. Switzerland
25. India
26. U.S.A. (Western)
27. Korea
28. Italy
29. Algeria (Berber)
30. England
31. Unknown
32. Iran
33. Senegal
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