Respighi - Antal Dorati Conducting The Minneapolis Symphony Orchestra - Church Windows / Roman Festivals Album herunterladen

Künstler: Respighi - Antal Dorati Conducting The Minneapolis Symphony Orchestra
Album: Church Windows / Roman Festivals
Freigegeben: 23.08.1955
Genre: Classical
Stil: Romantic
Format: MP3, FLAC
Größe der Datei: 139.4 mb
Qualität: 320kbps
1. Roman Festivals (Symphonic Poem)
2. 1. Circus Maximus
3. 2. The Jubilee
4. 3. The October Excursions
5. 4. Ephiphany
6. Church Windows (Four Symphonic Impressions)
7. 1. The Flight Into Egypt
8. 2. St. Michael The Archangel
9. 3. The Matins Of Santa Chiara
10. 4. St. Gregory The Great
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