1. Serotonin
2. ~1
3. ~2
4. Groove 'n' Bass
5. Cocktailizer
6. Get On Down
7. Peace Out
8. Robot DJ
9. Melotonin
10. Relax
11. I Need A Blow
12. Job
13. Pump It Up
14. ~2
15. ~1
16. ~2
17. ~3
18. Thud
19. ~1
20. Kreis 1
21. Kreis 2
22. ~1
23. ~2
24. ~3
25. ~1
26. ~1
27. ~2
28. The Educator
29. Jack Mahogoff
30. ~1
31. ~2
32. Pool
33. ~1
34. Booty
35. Back Words
36. Trance Queen
37. Bumper
38. Nailed
39. The One
40. Cold Light
41. Tribute To Memory Boy
42. ~1
43. ~2
44. ~1
45. Eternal Opuscule #86
46. Eternal Opuscule #88
47. Loop Of Fusion
48. Loop Of Illlusion
49. ~1
50. ~2
51. ~3
52. ~1
53. ~2
54. Bad Loop
55. ~1
56. ~1
57. ~2
58. Jahwawookie
59. Future Primative
60. 10+1
61. Snazzy
62. Nite 0
63. Passion Groove
64. Vector
65. 6-2
66. 7-3
67. 7-4
68. It´s What You Live For...